* required

Your Information

Email Address *

Re-enter Email *

Password *

Re-enter Password *

A password (with a minimum of six characters including both letters and numbers) is required to login to your account. This may be used later to update your details and alert preferences.

First Name *

Surname *

Mobile Number

Providing your mobile number means you will receive a flood warning text, this is the best method of receiving warnings.

Landline Number

Providing a landline number means that you will receive a flood warning voice message.

Your Location

Street Address *

1. Once you have entered your address, please select it from the list. The system will then select the warning area your property is in from the list of warning areas below.

2. If your address is outside of the warning areas, you can still sign up by selecting the warning area you want from the list below.

Street Name & Number

Suburb / Town




Flood Warning Areas

You may sign up to as many warning areas as you need by selecting additional ones from the list. Be aware this means you may receive large numbers of messages during a flood.

Terms & Conditions

I agree that I have read and accept the Terms and Conditions of this Notification Service.

I agree that I have read and accept the Terms and Conditions of the Seqwater Notification Service.