Lockyer Valley Regional Council has partnered with Early Warning Network (EWN) to provide residents access to a free early warning alert system. The early warning alert service provides warnings for severe thunderstorms, hail, destructive winds, cyclones and flooding. Residents are encouraged to join, terms and conditions apply.


Your Information

E-mail Address

Re-enter E-mail

Create Password

Re-enter Password

A password (with a minimum of six characters including both letters and numbers) is required to login to your account.


First Name


Mobile Number


Landline Number


Use of the landline alert service is subject to a successful test of the submitted number. Please ensure you enter a landline number not a mobile phone number as you will not receive the alert.

Your Location


Street Name & Number

Suburb / Town




Terms & Conditions

I agree that I have read and accept the Terms and Conditions of this Notification Service.

I agree that I have read and accept the Terms and Conditions of the Seqwater Notification Service.

Privacy Notice: Lockyer Valley Regional Council will have access to your personal information when you subscribe to the Early Warning Network service provided by the Early Warning Network Pty Ltd (ACN 122 940 176). Lockyer Valley Regional Council will only use your personal information for the purpose of delivering Council-initiated alert messages through the Early Warning Network. We will not disclose your personal information outside of Lockyer Valley Regional Council unless we are required by law you have given your consent. By clicking the "Register" button below you will be giving your consent to Lockyer Valley Regional Council managing your personal information in the manner described in Lockyer Valley Regional Council's Privacy Policy and this collection notice.